Riots in the UK.
Englands riots coming to a town near you soon? Police nor the government have any real powers where these kids are concerned, theyve got NO FEAR or RESPECT. It makes one ask are these kids subject to some form of Mind Control, it cant be ruled out.
Birmingham, Wolverhampton, West Bromwich, Salford, Manchester add to this Much of London, Liverpool, & Bristol it would seem its Englands main citys, there have been rumours of Leeds & Nottingham too.
Whilst I agree its wrong, but how can people expect their kids to have respect for possessions or property when they havent been taught to have respect; they say Respect now has to be earned? surely if everyone is taught to respect each other like it used to be, its a given and if its betrayed yes then it has to be earned.
Parents no longer allowed to smack their children, teachers cant chastise unruly kids. These are also factors.
We are all partially responsible for how the kids of today are, One of a parents roles is to teach your child how to live as an adult in society, this includes teaching them values i.e. respect others themselves elders authority figures. Respect others property/possessions etc.
Its not about being your childs friend. Be their friends by all means, but also be responsible and accept if you dont guide them then they wont know which way is right or wrong so theyll go their own way. Its not rocket science after all.
Poverty and the current economy might be a part of it but like everything else it is just a part. Those involved that have appeared in court were not from poor families, theyve been described as a graphic artist, a university graduate, a youth worker most are of previous good character.
The reason claimed for the outset of the riots.
It would appear Mark Duggan did not fire a gun at the Police, he was killed by a Police bullet to his heart, another shot had hit his arm, again a Police bullet. So whats with Englands Police carrying arms, we dont carry arms here like those in USA do, why didnt they use rubber bullets. With the injuries received it would appear the Police shot to kill, why not aim for his lower body?
Children learn what they live
In the final analysis it is not what you do to your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.~ Ann Landers
If children live with CRITICISM
They learn to CONDEMN
If children live with HOSTILITY
They learn to FIGHT
If children live with RIDICULE
They learn to BE SHY
If children live with SHAME
They learn to FEEL GUILTY
If children live with TOLERANCE
They learn to BE PATIENT
If children live with ENCOURAGEMENT
If children live with PRAISE
They learn to APPRECIATE
If children live with FAIRNESS
They learn JUSTICE
If children live with SECURITY
They learn to have FAITH
If children live with RESPECT
They learn to be RESPECTFUL.
If children live with APPROVAL
If children live with ACCEPTANCE and FRIENDSHIP
Note that what is said is, ‘if a child lives with`… Children learn more from interactions than being instructed vocally; they learn how to relate with people by the way they see Dad and Mum relate to one another. They also learn from the way Parents treat people they associate with; this is what mainly forms their world view and how they will relate with people. Do the Parents notice a trend of lawlessness about the children of today; like never before children are lawless. The reason for this Parents are unconsciously teaching them; many Parents preach love and respect for humanity to their children, yet they see them treat friends/elders/people in authority, like a piece of trash.
Many children are taught by their Parents to be law abiding, yet Dad won’t put on his seat belt when driving. They also see their Parents engage in unlawful activities. Many Parents preach respect for life, yet will not use the pedestrian crossing when crossing a dual carriageway. Many Parents preach justice, fair play and honesty, yet their children see Bailiffs or Creditors walk into their homes and Parents telling a fantastic lie to save their skin. Many Parents preach equality among humans, yet their children see them hold in disdain people of other colours or cultures. In the end they get confused because there is no correlation between what they are taught and the way their parents live.
There are more opportunities available to kids today than any other previous generation has had; So you don’t need to look far for whom to blame if your children are going hay wire. If you observe, you will discover that men in power and wealth often have children who are lawless too, not just those who live on limited means or close to the poverty line; They have been taught indirectly that the law is partial and that you can get away with anything.
God help this World if these children become leaders because they have been groomed not to have respect for other Human Beings. How do you want your children to turn out ? Don’t just vocalize it to them, live it. It’s the way you live that your children will emulate in the long run, not what you try to hammer into them; all we should do is live the life we preach first, and then get it to them.
Everything here applies to every parent on the planet, race, creed, nor social status makes any difference. Its Parents who need to know all this.
If children learn to live with others as Equals
They learn to nurture Equality.
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