An Angel Is Watching Over Me!
©1998 by Nick Arandes
. It took me three days driving to get to my first destination from Los Angeles, CA which was Maryland Heights Missouri. I was performing at the Harra's Hotel and Casino. The next one was in Fairview Heights, Illinois followed by Clinton, Iowa ending up in Urbana, Illinois. From then on I have two days off before I get to my next destination which is Indianapolis, Indiana. I was able to take care of some expenses while I was saving around $50 from every show and sending it to my bank.
As I was driving to Indianapolis on Sunday, about 60 miles away from it and probably 50 yards from a rest stop my car brakes down. Out of all the places I have been driving in cold whether, at night an so forth, the car just quits next to a rest stop which allowed me to pull in and park. Isn't that amazing? It also happened around noon and with two days off before my next performance. "There is an angel watching over me."
I didn't have any credit cards or AAA insurance. All I had was $60 in cash, and an ATM card. I called AAA anyway and they assisted me. I just had to pay the full service rate. The person who picked me up is the owner of the shop where my car was fixed and he not only towed my car to his shop but also drove me to a nearby hotel where I stayed for two days while my car was getting fixed. He didn't charge me anything from that day until the work was done which allowed me to use the $60 for the hotel.
I was told that I was fortunate to have my car fixed there because in Indianapolis for example, it would have cost me probably double due to the fact that city rates are much higher. Since I didn't have all the money he gladly accepted a check which I asked him to hold it for few days until some of the money orders I sent to my account have been received, and he also let me pay him the remaining balance at the end of the week when I get paid for my comedy performance in Indianapolis.
There are a lot of good-hearted people in the world. More than we think! Some may say that life throw curve balls. I say that was not a curve ball, it was a great blessings. I rather have my car brake down during the day, at a rest stop, with plenty of time before my next performance than in the middle of nowhere, at night, with temperatures in the low 30's like they were in all the places I have been during the last five days and no telephone or help. There is an angel watching over me!
Comedy engagements keep showing up and all I can say is, I know who my source and supply is. I will always keep my generous heart even when the circumstances may look tempting to hold on to money. There is plenty to go around and I am just a channel through which money flows freely. All I can say is, "live is exciting!"
Here is my formula for not having things getting to me;
1. I simply trust that everything is working together for my highest good, even when I may not understand why things are happening the way they are.
2. I surrender to the process knowing that there is a divine order orchestrating everything which ultimately will lead me to experience the grandest idea of who I am, thus leading me closer to the manifestation of my dreams.
3. I lovingly detach myself from everything knowing that this is really the key to experiencing peace of mind under any circumstances. This is something I practice as often as I can along with the other principles. Our possessions can be taken away from us but never our character and dignity which is the foundation from which we have built everything. It is very interesting watching things come and go. It is like enjoying our own movie with the awareness that everything is always turning out fine at the end. The key however, is to understand that everything is turning out fine NOW! Every now is the culmination of a scene which if we can step out of judgment, we can see how all the pieces are falling together so perfectly for the enfoldment of our divine movie. The bigger picture. The truth of who we are.
4. Finally, I might be wrong but all I can say is, it works for me. Do what you love in life and do nothing else. I can honestly say that for the last eight years, by doing what I love, I have being able to handle much easier the circumstances that sometimes I have been presented with, such as the one I just described. If I have to sleep in my car as I have done before, maybe twice during those years, while I am driving to the next town, the experience itself can be interpreted as exciting, adventurous or fun! The same experience without having a purpose or a divine mission in life it could be pretty depressing. I am certainly not talking about goals. I am talking about finding whatever it is that drives you, your gift. And share it, give it with love.
What Is Gratitude?
©1997 by Nick Arandes
An attitude of gratitude is really recognition as opposed to a request. It creates a space in our consciousness that allows us to see and recognize our abundance as opposed to the lack, or the illusion of lack perceived by self-imposed limitations.
Our reality is constantly generated by our thoughts. Our interpretation of that reality creates more circumstances that justifies it, therefore, keeping us locked in that particular movie denying us the opportunity to grow.
Being grateful for what we have helps us take some of the energy away from the illusion of limitation and place it on wealth, therefore allowing us to build a new foundation. That is how we experience prosperity and success. Of course, just for clarification purposes, success, as defined in this particular example, is not solely about having money. There are thousands of ways to make money. Legally and illegally. But that does not guarantee fulfillment. I have heard some of the most ignorant remarks like, I do not care if I have bad health, as long as I have plenty of money I am happy. And I am pretty sure you have heard others.
If someone is grateful only when he or she get the things wanted, then that individual have misunderstood gratitude for personal gratification. Not that gratification is bad, but if we have to wait until we receive something in order to be grateful, not only we are ignoring who we are as Spiritual Beings with unlimited resources available to us in this particular moment, but we will always have to have more just to have an excuse to be thankful for.
That creates a problem which is; no matter what the individual have, even when the person thinks that he/she is grateful, pretty soon the individual will need something else to be grateful for, which will make whatever it is that he/she already have, not good enough. As a result of that, that person's whole life is in pursuit of something better. I remember long ago, when I had some projects in the works. I was facing a financial challenge. I only had a box of cereal and some Rice Dream, which is a beverage I sometimes use with my cereal. I pour the cereal in my bowl until it was full. By being grateful for what I had at the moment, allowed me to keep my attention away from the seeming challenge. That small shift in perception helped me to keep my mind clear in order to work with an idea that came through.
Out of the blue, as I put the bowl of cereal down, I get a call from the musical director of my church asking me if I was available the next day to sing a song I have showcased few weeks ago because their singer could not make it. To my surprise, I ended up getting $60. I did not know that performers would receive any kind of financial compensation for performing at my church. Truthfully, being grateful is a way of life. THAT'S ALL! Be thankful for what you have, and let the universe surprise you with its gifts. As my consciousness opens up, allowing the universal flow to express through me, I just keep experiencing more abundance in my life. Do not take my word for it. Try it yourself.
There is nothing to ask for FOR YOUR FATHER KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED BEFORE YOU ASK HIM. [MATTHEW 6:7] All you need to do is be grateful for your dreams and allow them to manifest through you, always remembering that ALL YOUR DREAMS ARE MEANT TO BE FULFILLED!
The Power Of Surrender
©1997 by Nick Arandes
Surrender is a very misunderstood word, especially in a society that is geared towards striving and winning. Surrender does not mean in any way that we are quitting, but that we are allowing our inner desires determine what direction should we take. That is one way of "seeking first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, and all of these things will be added on you." [Matthew 6:33]
Some people misunderstand that phrase and they think that all they need to do is sit down and meditate the whole day and all the things they want will spontaneously manifest. Well, that is a possibility, only if the individual have reached the level of awareness that will allow him or her accomplish that task. What is interesting, is that the Masters who have achieved that lever of enlightenment are not even concern with impressing people with material possessions or accomplishments because they have found something far more exciting. They have found a sense of true self. An unexplainable sense of inner peace that can't be explained. It can only be experienced.
Meditation is a part of my life in which by resting my mind I allow the flow of ideas to come through uninterrupted by other thoughts. Then, I act upon those ideas and is amazing the miracles that manifest in my life. When people set goals, which I am not saying that they are bad nor good, all they are doing to a certain degree, is showing their need to be in control. That is why surrendering is a very scary thing for most people, especially when we are told that we are the ones who design our lives. That does not mean that we are not going to get the things we "want," it simply means that we will have to struggle and strive for those things.
When we surrender we are not idle, just the opposite, we sometimes are taking mega action! What happens is that we are so infused doing something we enjoy, not necessarily for the sake of getting anything, but for the sake of serving others, that we loose track of time and space. A musician for example, who loves to play her/his instrument does not want to play for the sake of making money and go home to a pathetic life. If that is his/her true desire, she/he wants to share it with the rest of the world. As a result of that, we can all benefit by the gift of that particular individual. And in return that musician will make $$$. Then you will not only end up acquiring the things you thought will make you happy (goals) but you will end up with a sense of fulfillment that can never be measured by any external material or non-material possession. The same principles apply not only to artists but to all kinds of business as well.
What is your dream? Begin to act upon it NOW! If you do not move in the direction of your dreams, you are denying me and the rest of the world from the blessing of you gift.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my gift with you. Now is time for you to share your gift(s) with the rest of the world always remembering that All Your Dreams Are Meant To Be Fulfilled! because the truth is, Your Were Born To Manifest Miracles!
To Blame Is Not To Change
©1997 by Nick Arandes
We have heard a lot about drawing circumstances in our lives as a way of saying that we are to be blame for all that happens to us. Others say that circumstances do happen at random to us that we have no control over. Well, to say that things happen to us at random, is the same thing as saying that we are powerless therefore we are destine to live whichever life we are experiencing at the moment. On the other hand, blaming ourselves for the circumstances we have generated in our lives leaves us with a sense of frustration or guilt. Guilt because by creating that type of circumstances some people feel they are bad or they have failed, and frustration because they do not even know how or why they have drawn those particular set of events in their lives.
The truth is, nobody is bad or a failure because circumstances have appeared in their lives, regardless of their nature. In order for us to expand in conscious awareness, circumstances are drawn into our lives, not to punish nor to add misery to our existence but to help us grow. And if we are the ones seeking growth, then we are the ones who either consciously or subconsciously draw those experiences in our lives.
The advantage of being able to say that we have drawn a particular circumstance or set of circumstances in our lives gives us the power to change them. Because if we are the ones who created something we also can recreate something else. Otherwise we are at the mercy of some external power which is nothing but an illusion because the greatest power that there is resides deep within ourselves. All we have to do is to recognize it and use it.
To blame is not to change for the following reasons. And individual who takes responsibility simply says, this is what I have created and I choose to create something different. On the other hand, someone who blames is simply saying, "this is my luck, there is nothing I can do about it," and so on. Given the ability to choose, I rather regain my power by taking responsibility for whatever happens in my life.
The question is, how can we go through those challenging moments and maintain a sense of serenity and peace? My answer to that question is to understand that everything is working in divine order for our highest good. I remember during Christmas season, I had to move out of my apartment in order to cut down on my rent because as a performer I was spending a lot of time on the road. I was facing some financial challenges doe to a property that I sold which we found out had a tax debt of $42,000. Thinking I was going to be able to live from the profit of the sale of the property, I didn't book anything for a few months. There I was, no income coming and having to leave my apartment.
Few days before I had to leave the place many situations arise that supported me during that time. A particular storage place was having a Hoyday special cutting their prices in half for the following three months, people with vehicles and equipment helped me move, friends which I have not seen in a while showed up in my life and offered me their place for me to stay, others who were leaving town would ask me to take care of their place, etc. There I was, having no place to call my own, yet my first few days was in a $600,000 house, then it was in a beautiful condo in Santa Cruz, CA for a week, then in a nice apartment in North Hollywood for few weeks. I was living in luxury treated like a king. All because I didn't get caught up in what it was happening. By doing so I was able to keep my awareness in peace therefore drawing, or you may say creating new circumstances that would support me as opposed to disempower me.
The result, I was able to stay in places without having to pay any rent while I was out of work so that when I get back on the road I could save the money for other projects. I could have chosen to blame anything or anyone else for my circumstances, who knows, I might have ended up in that apartment and would have missed all the wonderful experiences I shared with family and friends during the days I spent with them. Or worse, homeless with a grungy attitude so that no one would want to be around me. Regardless of what is going around, there are two things I know, one is that Life is Good! Why, because I am sitting here writing this piece for the world to see. Second, because I have the choice to do otherwise. And last but not least, I am always taken care of, and so are you. Just remember these words by a great master; "look at the birds in the sky, they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father takes care of them. Aren't you more important than they are? Oh you of little faith? [Matthew 6:26]
Forgiveness; The Power To Heal
©1997 by Nick Arandes
In a world where the good guy must get rid of the bad guy, where action heroes seems to be the ideal model of justice, and where revenge plays an important part in the lives of people who have suffer some kind of injustice, there is little or no room for forgiveness.
Forgiveness appears to be some kind of a wimpy attitude to take. Yet people do not realize the power behind forgiveness. One of the greatest metaphors I have heard is about getting bitten by a poisonous snake. In the metaphor, the snakebite represents harm someone has done to you, physical or emotional. Yet what kills you is not the snakebite but the venom running through your system. In life, what kills people is not the behavior of others but the resentment and anger people hold inside towards their abuser.
Some religious organizations make you believe that the reason you forgive is so that you can either go to heaven, or just because Jesus said so, etc., not realizing that the act of forgiveness, is really an act of self healing. And even when it appears as thou forgiveness is some kind of a selfish act because you are doing it for yourself; it is really creating a space so that others can experience and feel the love emanating from you. Once the space has been established, others feel safe and therefore cannot attack.
I once heard the story of a great master who spends many years in the forests of the Himalayas. Once they found him, he was surrounded by all kinds of animals ranging form harmless ones such as birds and butterflies to the most ferocious and dangerous like poisonous snakes, lions and tigers. One of the individuals asked him, "Master, aren't you afraid of all this creatures?" And the master lovingly replied, "what are you talking about? All I see is God." The master then went on to say that when an animal ceases to sense hostility, it couldn’t attack.
Another fascinating story was told by the media few months ago, or years, depending on when are you reading this story, ha, ha. Anyway, the story is about a child in Florida who is mentally retarded and his family would take him to a particular pond or river section where he would play. One day, the kid was missing.The army went on to search for the child. When they found him a week later, just before they give up the search, he has walked almost 14 miles of river infested with crocodiles. As a matter of fact, that is a place where the military trains and they even said that they have lost soldiers there.
When the child was brought home, he could not talk, but he was able to identify pictures. When a book was shown to the child he could point out all the things he saw and one of them was plenty of crocodiles. When the Sergeant of the military in charge of the search was asked what kind of explanation he could think of, the Sergeant’s reply was, "there was no fear."
What do all this have to do with forgiveness and healing? Simple. Resentment and anger are forms of fear, while forgiveness is the absence of any kind of fear. It promotes closeness and love. When we are in that space, our body response by creating a sense of balance which promotes healing and well being not only for ourselves, but for the rest of the world.
Positive Thinking (How To Attain It)
©1997 by Nick Arandes
Positive thinking is a very interesting topic because everyone seems to talk about it but few are successful at attaining it. I think the reason is, most people try to teach it at an intellectual level, as if it is something you do by making a conscious choice to be or feel that way all the time. I am not going to deny that we all have the ability to make choices. Then why some of these choices like thinking positive for example, can sometimes be so difficult and mentally exhausting?
Whether our thoughts originate in our mind or somewhere beyond that, it is said that every thought is generated by either memory or desire. The memory of an action, a deed, or an event that we may have done in the past, whether consciously or unconsciously, may trigger a thought that will generate a mental, emotional, and/or physical response. When we have a desire on the other hand, whether it comes from our higher self, ego, or whichever source we want to attribute the desire to, another thought is automatically created which will generate a mental, emotional and/or physical response, just like the thought triggered by memory.
So if that is the nature of out thoughts, then how can we create or for that matter help create thoughts that generate more pleasant responses in our emotional and physical well being? This is an example I use when I speak in front of an audience. I ask a husband in the group, if he were to do something that would hurt his wife feelings, how would he feel. His automatic response is "awful." Then I ask, "how about if you do something that makes your wife feel wonderful, how would you feel?" His response usually is, "I feel great, or good or pleased." Somewhere along those lines. Then I ask, "when you do something good for your wife and she feels great, do you feel like you have to work hard to be positive or to have a good day?" His response is no. That is my point, positive thinking is nothing you have to work hard at it, and it is a natural response. And it is triggered by the good deeds we do for others.
Now lets go to the desire aspect of it. When we have a natural desire to express our truth, to grow, to share our talents and gifts, suppressing those natural desires can create frustration and resentment which will make it literally impossible to achieve a positive attitude. In my own experience, when I went through moments when it appeared as if my life was falling apart, what carried me through was the fact that I was doing what I was guided to do which kept my awareness on purpose. That helped me generate a peace of mind and a positive attitude that not only would draw good things and positive events in my life, also that would help me carry on.
Notice that I mentioned keeping my awareness on purpose. To me it means that I was not doing things for personal gratification but for a much larger vision. Look at it this way; if your passion is to write, writing is your talent, your feel a sense of gratification just by allowing yourself the opportunity to do that which your heart wants to do. Sharing it with others is another reward. By sharing it with others, you are being of service to them. As you can see, in the giving is the receiving. Your service is your receiving even when you are the one being of service. Giving yourself the opportunity to express your gift and to share it with others bring a natural feeling of fulfillment in life that comes across also drawing good things towards you.
Yes, I am not going to deny that it was sometimes challenging sharing this principles while I was going through situations that would appear to be the opposite of what I was trying to demonstrate, but every time that I would find myself facing those types of situations I would remind myself that whatever I was going through, it was simply an opportunity for me to shine, to demonstrate who I really am. Because remember, the only way you can experience yourself as the light, is when you are surrounded by darkness. The key is to remember who you are, for then you can shine your light onto the darkness as opposed to throw in the towel. Neil Donald Walsh the author of "Conversations With God," shares a beautiful parable which illustrated this truth.
So really a positive attitude is not something we attain per se but something we naturally experience as a result of the way we live. The way we carry on through life. Serve others, live your truth, do what you love, use your talents and abilities to create a space for others to feel loved and safe. Make a difference for the world needs and longs for your individual gift(s) which are deep within you ready to be expressed. You do that, and you will no longer need to learn how to think positive. That is something you will become!
A Journey To Consciousness
©1997 by Nick Arandes
Our inner journey to rediscovering who we are, even when it is very fascinating can sometimes appear overwhelming or scary because it challenge us to reevaluate our whole live including our habits, belief systems and everything we have claimed so tenaciously as to be the ultimate truth. Our minds are so used to the way things are that to suggest that there could be another way may seem like a threat, an insult to our intellectualized ideas of how things are or ought to be.
So if the journey is so fascinating, why is it that so many people do not embark on it? There are many answers to that questions which are rooted in the same thing. Fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, sometimes fear of disappointment that the whole time invested in getting to know ourselves may be wasted. The bottom line is, in order for us to experience ourselves as who we really are, spiritual beings who are perfect, whole and complete, we literally have to let go of any idea of who we are not, human beings living in a world which is determined by outer circumstances and events, even when those circumstances and events may be what we have experienced.
Memory and experience is what keeps people trapped in the world as they know it. So how do we shift from the world as we know it to the world we want to experience? The following story will assist me in explaining how we can shift our awareness and why we sometimes experience fear when in truth all we need is to trust.
A Sailor's Tale
A poor sailor wants to discover a new world. A world he has never seen physically but he have dreamed about. The only way he can experience the dream he have envision is through silence. So as he sail out on the ocean, he sits in silence and a peaceful and pleasant smile showers his face as the vision of a new world occupies his mind.
When he shares his vision with others, most people laugh while others do not even bother to listen to him. "Experts" will try to discourage him by letting him know that it is impossible that there could be another world. According to their studies, it is pretty obvious that once you get to what appears to be the edge of the ocean which is what the naked eye can only perceive, there is nothing else.
Somewhere in the sailor's heart, he still wants to follow his vision. By himself, he decides to sail away in search for the Promised Land. He is moving from the known, the "physical," to the unknown, the "consciousness." He does not know what he is going to find. All he knows is that a very quite voice keeps getting louder as he experience more silence. By shutting down the outer world he can connect more deeply with his inner voice that guides him and inspires him.
As he sails farther and farther away, he begins to experience fear and doubt. He still can go back because he have not lost site of the land. This is a very critical point for most people because as we moved to the realm of the spirit, unless we can loose sight of that which we are familiar with, it is very difficult to open ourselves to a new experience. At this point the sailor decides to move on in pure faith and trust. He is in the middle of the ocean where he has lost complete site of land and cannot really point out where he is going. There are times when he experienced fear, worry, or anxiety, and the only way he could avoid those feelings is by going within, by experiencing silence which will bring him back to peace.
In the stillness he begins to develop a sense of trust that will keep him serene as he continues on his journey. Somewhere in the horizon he sees land and he gets real excited. He sails across some of the most beautiful islands until finally he finds himself in the place he has been dreaming off. He not only have gained a sense of inner awareness of who he is, he have also experience wonderful and fascinating places he would not have experienced if he would have listen to what the world dictated was possible or not.
Everyone in the island was drawn to him seeking that inner peace that the sailor was able to maintain. With his knowledge and new awareness, he becomes a spiritual counselor. He is loved and admired by everyone. People brings him food, money, gifts, he becomes the wealthiest and needless to say, the most popular person on the island. The island of his dreams.
As you can see, there is an inner voice that knows the truth and wants us to experience it. While we sail through unknown waters, these are the times when we have to go deeper, which simply gives us the opportunity to really experience the exquisiteness of our soul. And as we see our visions manifest, we develop an inner sense of trust where we no longer fear anything for now we know that the one who planted the seed or the desire in our hearts is always going to be there to assists us in completing the vision.
The interesting part in all of this is that when we truly let go and trust, we may end up doing something completely different than that which we previously thought was going to makes us happy. The sailor didn't know what he would end up doing with his life. All he knew is that he wanted to find that promised land, and as result of listening and trusting, he ended up experiencing love, excitement, fulfillment and wealth beyond his wildest dreams. From a poor sailor to a wealthy spiritual counselor. Who would have thought?
Life Is A Game, Enjoy It!
©1997 by Nick Arandes
For years I have been very confused in regards to financial affairs. I kept trying to spiritualize my life as some metaphysical books say, not realizing that it is all a matter of establishing a balance. We are spiritual beings who have taken human form. So even when our essence is spiritual, we have a responsibility to our humanness. It was given to us, not to be ignored, but to take care of it.
I know we are all miracle makers. That within is the power to manifest anything we desire. But how about if I am not in that place where I can manifest miracles at will, either because this is not my lifetime to do so, or because of karma, or I have not mustered the discipline for me to do so? How can I then still manifest enough resources while keeping my attention on God and also serving my fellow human souls? In that case, I look at it this way. Life is a game. We are all playing it. The key is, how do we play it in such a way that it is not only beneficial to us as well as our fellow human beings, but at the same time we do not neglect our spiritual growth?
There has been so much emphasis in giving and serving when it comes to spiritual books. Unfortunately most of them do not seem to mention how to generate. It looks as thou the books that talk about generating income have been labeled as "non-spiritual." The funny thing about it is that the very same churches that claim that God is our source and supply go to all those "non-spiritual" people who have in order to ask for money. I understand we are here to give and serve. That being the case, should not we have for ourselves so that we can then circulate the goods? Tithing is a perfect example of people who want to take shortcuts towards wealth. Here is the dilemma. There are some who tithe and seems to be blessed with more. The there are some people whom even though they tithe, they seem to always stay barely a float. Yet there are others who do not give at all and have plenty. Most churches say that you should always tithe so that you are blessed with more. For and individual who is struggling that seems to be a very tough things to do because even when he or she wants to really give, somewhere back in his/her mind, the individual is doing it out of hope that more will be received in return. Then when they don't seem to receive money back and his/her financial situation worsen, the churches justify it saying that you can not bargain with God. That your gift must be unconditional.
Interesting enough, when you talk to the ones who seem to have plenty, whether they tithe or not, what they have is a consciousness of wealth. And it comes as a result of knowing how to generate. So you can either A): Learn how to develop the consciousness first so that the Universe supports you’re believe about yourself which is what metaphysics is all about, or B): learn how to generate on a pure physical level so that your consciousness can be developed as a result of the fruits of your labor. It is simply a matter of choice. Now, understand the dynamics here. In order to generate, you provide a service. In a way, the spiritual dynamics of giving and serving are the same. First you give of your talents, service, knowledge, etc., and in return you receive. So the key, whether physical or metaphysical, is consciousness. Because even if I do what I enjoy, if I don't have the consciousness that allows myself to receive, it is kind of giving things away. And there are plenty of people who will take so you have to learn how to differentiate. It all of the sudden becomes and outflow instead of a circulation. So if I give all I have without receiving back, how can I recharge in order to give more.
For someone who lives in a cave and just want to develop his or her connection with God without any external distractions, generating may not be a great concern for she/he is not concerned with the affairs of the body. But for the ones who live in a society where resources needs to be exchange, if it makes sense to lovingly give, it also makes sense the lovingly receive whether is by a way of gift or exchange. Now, if we want to be able to generate filled with happiness and joy, then maybe we should learn how do so while doing something we love. Either that or just learn to love whatever is you are doing. It is certainly much easier to do what you enjoy than to try to love that which you do not enjoy. The difference is, if you have the ability to learn to love whatever you are doing, you are free of ego attachment. On the other hand, if you cannot enjoy whatever is you are doing, maybe there may be and ego investment in the affairs of the body or you should be doing something else. Confusing isn't it. For me, I rather do what I love. That doesn't mean that there have been times where I have done something different just to supplement my immediate income. If it is something temporary while I am moving in the direction of my dreams, it is easy for me to keep a positive and loving attitude.
What is important is not to make this a money issue, but to be able to understand that we are playing a game that we collectively have created. Even if we are not the ones who created the rules, at least we are certainly playing by them. So if we pay taxes, our electric bills, mortgages and so forth, we must learn how to generate so that we can take care of those expenses. If we can manifest the money at will so that the bills can be paid, which we certainly have the capability of doing, then we don't need to be concerned with learning how to generate it in any external way. But if we do not have developed the discipline to do so, then, there are other choices. It is also important to understand that the game have nothing to do with who we are, it is just something that makes human life more interesting.
Now, the game is not really that difficult. Over and over again I have seen how the Universe have provided me with enough resources. But I have also seen how much stress I have been through by not having enough sometimes to take care of my human affairs. I understand that stress is something I create by simply interpreting a situation in a certain way. But even when I know that conceptually, it seems easier to deal with it when my human affairs are taken care of. Once again, I believe it is a matter of establishing a healthy balance. I don't know if I am supposed to be a jogy or a swami in this lifetime. Maybe I am supposed to simply bring a loving consciousness into every move I make that I certainly believe we should all do. Because ultimately, whatever move we make affects all of us for we are all one.
Now the question you may ask yourself is, how do I do what I love while I'm caught up in the middle of this game where I need to take care of my bills and so forth? My answer is simple. Take some time from your busy schedule and dedicate it to learn and do the things that brings you joy. Then as the ideas flow, make a priority to put them into practice. If there are things in your current schedule that are not allowing you to follow through with some of your ideas, then look at things and activities in your life which you feel are no longer useful and let them go. That opens more time and space for your desires to take shape and form. Remember, every time you take one step towards the realizations of your dreams, God takes ten. Basically what we are doing is tilting the scale from one extreme to the other. Eventually comes a point where a decision will have to be made. Where you may either have to change careers or follow through with whatever you have started. That is when you will need to be anchored in faith. But believe me, you will have seen so many manifestations of the power and presence of the Almighty within you along the process, that you wont have much reason to doubt.
Before I became a stand-up comedian, I used to work for the phone company making a decent living. That was just temporary because I knew that I had a different agenda, even thou I have been there for almost three and a half years. Before that, I use to work at a factory making around $12/hour not including overtime which believe me was plenty, and I quit to go to the phone company starting at $6/hour. Why? Because I didn't like what I was doing. It was time for me to change. After three years working on my act in comedy clubs and sometimes having the chance to go out on the road for weekends at a time, it was time for me to commit to my vision. I have booked three weeks in a row that I knew that would force me to quit my job. I didn't mind. I was not happy doing what I was doing anyway and it was time to make the move. Two weeks before my road trip I get laid off from the company, meaning that I was still able to keep my health insurance for the next six months. Isn't God wonderful! Since then, I have not had a regular job. I had peaks and valleys like we all do, but I tell you this, every valley is always followed by a higher pick. This is not to say to you, quit what you are doing right away and do what you enjoy. That may be unwise. Off course, if you truly believe that you will be taken care off, then go ahead. It is written, "It will be done according to your faith." All I'm saying is, take little steps. Like the ancient proverb says; "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
Remember, Self-realization is our ultimate goal, but while the game is going on, be of service to the world through the use your gifts and talents. That way, not only will you experience more joy and fulfillment in your life, you will also be benefiting mankind. Understand that what I do for you, I do for me. And what you do for me, you do for you. Why? Because there is no you and me. We are just "I."
How To Reach A Peaceful State Of Mind
1997 by Nick Arandes
A lot of people seem to have a hard time finding peace in the myth of all the things that happen in their lives. There are three key words in order to reach a peaceful state of mind. Trust, surrender and detachment. Trust simply recognizes the fact that regardless of circumstances, everything is working in divine order for our highest good. Sometimes it is very difficult to recognize this fact, especially while we face challenges.
Most of the time what we perceive as challenges, are simply opportunities for us to grow. They are nothing but blessings in disguised because if it weren't for those particular circumstances, we would not have attained higher levels of awareness. For example, and individual who looses his/her job find himself/herself later on in life doing something far more rewarding and fulfilling, and in most cases more lucrative. That been the case, was loosing a curse or a blessing? How about the individual who develops a physical imbalance that force him/her to be more loving, forgiving, adventurous, allowing him/her to experience more out of live that otherwise would not have experienced, and as a result of his/her experience the imbalance disappear. The truth is, everything in life happens in divine order according to natural law that is generated by our thoughts.
To most people this is very hard to believe because they do not want to accept the fact that they have brought upon themselves the very circumstances that create their reality. So the loss of a job may have been triggered by the fact that the individual wanted to do something else but was afraid to leave that particular line of work. Same with the physical imbalance which in most cases, that is why diseases are created. They could be use as an excuse to give up, or may help us listen to the request of our souls. Listening to our soul's request is the same as trusting our inner guidance. In seeking to know ourselves, to communicate with our divine presence is the same as what Jesus reminds us when saying, but strive first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." [Matthew 6:33]
The second key for achieving peace of mind is called surrender. This can be difficult for most people to practice, especially when we have been taught since birth that we need to be in control. People pay thousands of dollars to motivational speakers to reinforce the idea that we have to take charge, we must set goals, we must decided how and when things are going to happen at any cost. Yet the result of such struggle can lead to health problems derived from stress, not to mention the fact that our infinite potential is limited by our preconceived ideas of what we think we can achieve.
Surrender has nothing to do with giving up. It simply states that our requests are being answered. And that the universe has ways to make our dreams come true in ways far more extraordinary than we could ever think of. When we look at nature, we realize that everything is always working in divine order and without any effort. There is never a mistake. Some may say, if everything in nature works so perfectly, then why human beings can't experience the same perfection? Because we have been given free choice. The universe always gives us suggestions through our inner desires and intuition often to be ignored by our own plans. By our idea of how things ought to be. By our need to be in control.
God will never deny our request regardless of how limited it may be because whatever we want for ourselves we can manifest. But to experience nonresistance and effortless accomplishments, we must surrender to the will of the Universe who only wants for us nothing but the best for we are the beloved children of the Creator who wants us to have it all. As Jesus reminds us, "it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
Finally, the last key for achieving peace of mind is detachment. Not only implies detachment to any particular result of outcome, but also to any particular thing, opinion, etc. Detachment from a particular outcome is pretty much the same as surrendering and trust, where we move in the direction of our dreams with a sense of peace and understanding that everything is unfolding in divine order, therefore allowing us to enjoy each present moment knowing that our requests are being answered. That also adds excitement to our lives because in not knowing how things are going to manifest is like a kid who knows his present is under the Christmas tree but doesn't know in which box is located. It adds mystery, fun and excitement to life.
Detachment to a particular thing is a little different. It means to let go of any material possession understanding that wherever that came from, there is plenty. It allows us to cultivate the awareness that there is enough, as well as understanding that when it is time for something to no longer be part of our lives, it is simply creating the space for something far much greater to enter. The letting go of the house may lead to the acquisition of a mansion. The letting go of a wardrobe may lead to a much finer one. And when we achieve higher levels of awareness, some of those things will no longer be of great importance. We can still have them, but they won't make any difference because we have achieve a state that is so grandeur that nothing on the material realm can lead you to that experience. So in not having to hang on to anything, allows us to experience peace all the time because in life we came here with nothing and that is how we will move to the next dimension. Jesus reminds us of this truth when he said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. [Matthew 6:19:20:21]
Trust your inner guidance, detach yourself from any outcomes and things and surrender to the process while enjoy each present moment. Not only you will experience more joy and abundance than ever before but also you will experience true peace of mind.
Children Aren't The Future, We Are
©1997 by Nick Arandes
There is an old story about a lady that during thanksgiving used to cook half of the turkey and throws the other half away. Her husband curiously asked her why she did that and her answer was, "because my mother use to do it that way." He then decided to ask her mother and her mother's reply was the same. So he goes to his wife's grandmother and the grandmother said, "because back then the oven was so small I could not fit the whole thing."
There is a vicious circle that has been passed along from generation to generation, and each generation has the ability to brake it and initiate a new one based on true principles as opposed to old ideas. For centuries we have seen the consequences of war and yet countries develop more sophisticated weapons thinking that they are creating peace when in reality all that they are doing is creating more sophisticated wars.
Mahatma Gandhi was able to break the circle with the idea that love can diffuse all barriers. The result was a liberation of a country, yet a lot of countries have chosen to recreate history based on old ideas. In other words they are still cooking half of the turkey. Instead of accepting responsibility they will simply pass the recipe along without question just so they have someone to blame if things don't get better.
In the past we could get away with lying to children or hiding information from them. Now with all the information available not only children can't be fooled, but if we do not become true examples for them they will seek answers somewhere else that may lead to self destructive behavior.
When children get involved in drugs or suicide, it is easy to say that musicians and artists are the ones influencing them and not the parent who didn't have time for them. Or the authoritative parent who instead of honoring his/her child individuality wanted to make him or her a photocopy of the parent idea of what the child should be. Then the child rebels and people wonder why the child adopted that kind of behavior.
We do not influence our children by becoming teachers but by becoming examples. That does not mean you want them to be just like you are for they have the right to live and design their own lives. But we can certainly show them what is like to be happy, loved, fulfilled, considerate, forgiving, compassionate, giving, and so forth, for these are the principles behind a healthy environment. And we can't teach any of these principles, we can only demonstrate them.
Career choice, relationships, etc., are decisions that the child must find for herself/himself. The foundation thou, is what we are seeking to be an example of. That is why my writings are all based on personal experience. As I grow and expand in the physical realm as well as in consciousness, I have found that the greatest joy in life is not in the acquisition of things but in the loving, sharing, helping and the like. And all of it is very related in doing what I love. When people can honestly start doing the things that makes them happy, they will no longer feel as thou they have to impose anything upon others for they will have the experience of what is like to live life to the fullest.
I have found out that by experiencing fulfillment in my life, I have a natural urge to share with others and help others experience the same. When you feel a sense of completeness, the last thing you can be is selfish. Noticed that completeness have nothing to do with having stuff. Some of the people who have a lot of stuff they are filled with fear of loosing it. I think feeling a sense of completeness is more like a recognition of who we are, and the universe simply supports our idea by providing us with all of the things we need.
That is why I am a firm believer in doing what I love. And I can honestly say that in doing so, miracles, if you choose to call them that, keep increasing in my life. A wonderful story was told to me by a fellow comedian about five years ago. He is a believer in never saying I wish but to always declare what you desire and do something about it. One day, as he is watching television with his family a juggler appeared on the screen. My friend Mickey said to himself, "I wish I could juggle." His ten year old at the time replied, "Dad, didn't you always said not to say I wish?" Mickey, a little embarrassed but realizing what he have just said picks up three tennis balls and tells his family that he is not coming out of the baseman until he can juggle.
Mickey begins to practice for about five or six hours nonstop. He finally comes out of the baseman and calls the family to the living room. He was not an expert, but he was able to juggle the three tennis balls. From then on, every time anyone of his children would say I wish, his father would reply by simply moving his hands as if he was juggling without having to say a single word. As you can see, actions are far more powerful than words. Not only so, but Mickey has gained two things with that example, first; the respect of his children, and second; the ability to juggle, something he has always dreamed of.
So do what you love and two things will happen. First, you will gain the respect of your family and friends, helping being an example for others to be influenced by, which on a larger scale will help create a world filled with love, peace and happiness. And second; your personal dreams and desires will be manifested. Pretty good deal ha! So what are you waiting for